Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 263 - Sushi After a Busy Day

It was a typical crazy mad Tuesday, exacerbated by being off sick yesterday getting my tooth all fixed up, nice and proper like (yes not sure why I lapsed into English accented colloqialisms at that point but it seemed like fun...still does really) so stressed and exhausted by the end of it, what did I do?

Why I went shirt shopping at David Jones, where I discovered a fantastic designer by the name of Nigel Lincoln (thanks to the very lovely Jeannie, DJ Sales Assistant extraordinaire), who's shirts fit beautifully, look gorgeous, and could well become my next sartorial love affair. I followed this up with sushi at Makanai on Pitt Street with my beautiful guy and life was suddenly, deliciously good.

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