Monday, September 19, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 262 - Crown Me With One Last Crown

The dentist's waiting room - today was my last visit to the dentist for some time I hope. I got a new crown moulded and lasered and put in place over 2 sometimes painful hours (not so much the tooth but the apparatus to suck all the liquid out when kept digging into my soft pallette).

While the tooth was created in a whiz bang German-made machine, I sat back for 40 minutes of non-invasive reading, although it was odd to sit back in a dentist chair and just read

Here I am in the bastion of pain and soft pallette bruising

I tried to make the sterile dental instruments look vaguely arty and stylish. Not sure I succeeded but I had fun with Instagram trying!

Then it was off home to nurse my sore and battered mouth - my dentist is awesomely good, and very gentle but even so all that poking and prodding, no matter how well done leaves you feeling a tad brusied. I did stop off on the way home to get smoothie supplies so I didn't have to trouble my mouth too much with chewing, and then I sat back, watched The View, napped, read and updated my blogs. Sore mouth aside, it wasn't too bad a day really.

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