Sunday, September 11, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 254 - Bus Stop to Bunnings Hell

New Sunday, new cafe - the Bus Stop Espresso on Victoria Street, Enmore. It doesn't have the full range of menu options being primarily set up to capture commuter traffic at the, you guessed it, bus stop just outside it's door, but the pesto scrambled eggs and shaved ham on sourdough was delish (even though I had managed to develop a small but painful ulcer on my gum right next to a tooth and was finding eating painful....what is it with my teeth these days?!) the quirky very high seats were fun , if cold, to sit on, and it was lovely to catch up with our very good friend Fahmi...

Then my gorgeous guy and I went to Bunnings on Parramatta Road for a quick in and out to grab extra screws for the IKEA unit we're assembling. While the shopping was indeed Speedy Gonzales quick, getting out of the car park was a 1/2 hour nightmare and I vow and declare we shall never go there again! So we got home a little later than planned but still managed to fit in a nap, after which I wrote an application letter for a job I am going for at the Sydney Writers Centre. It came together well, thanks to my gorgeous guy acting as a sounding board, and then we got down to assembling the bottom part of the Besta entertainment unit before chicken & chips for dinner (yummy gourmet chicken from the shop up the street) and viewing of the latest Dr Who episode, Night Terrors, which wasn't brilliantly good, but wasn't awful and was far better than the confusing twaddle of confused strung together vignettes that characterised season 6 part 1.

Graffiti seen on way down Enmore Road - very funky

I wished I could have stayed to snuggle but work called and so I headed home, ostensibly for an early night but it turned out, not so early night as my iMac suddenly started speaking like a robot after I lent on the keyboard and it took me ages to figure out what I had done! Lesson learnt...

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