Thursday, September 08, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 250 (Wednesday 7 September) - Technology Hates Me

Tonight technology had it's revenge.

For what slight, real or imagined I cannot say (perhaps neglect since while I love technology, i fail to use it as fully as I should), but tonight in quick succession my internet ran out of juice (reached the end of my usage for the month two days before the due date- aarghh!), and my DVD player lost all connectivity suddenly to my TV (no idea why - it just happened out of the blue)

Thankfully my iPhone didn't join this wholly unjustified rebellion - this is what I get for allowing images of the Arab Spring into my room, and mentioning the Terminator movies in passing conversation with my partner - and woke me up right on time.

No prizes for guessing my pet piece of technology at the moment.

Yes, that's right DVD player....It. Ain't YOU!

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