Thursday, September 08, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 248 (Monday 5 September) - Picking Up My Baby

Not as dirty as it sounds people! (Although a little role playing here or there can only be a good thing which is where I will leave the topic, thank you.)

My guy came back from his solo trip to Melbourne to see his Auntie Win for her birthday on the Saturday (she's way over 90 and still very much with it) and Fathers Day celebration with his family on Sunday, and it was so very good to see him! It was odd not having him around on the weekend, especially at social events involving mutual friends, and odd not being in Melbourne with him (I was missed too by his family especially his 7 year old nephew Hugo who asked where I was because he likes that I play LEGO with him....too cute).

I am very happy to have him back and in my arms :)

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