Friday, September 16, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 259 - Big Day! Relaxed Night...

BIG DAY on campus my friends!!

The video that I was filmed for, and appear extensively in, has just gone live on the net, and I couldn't be more proud of the brave people who appear with me, and the fact that I got to participate in something that means so much to me.

If it just saves one life, it will be totally worth it.

We also made it onto the Herald-Sun's website which is exciting (and amazing given it's a Murdoch publication!)


Artwork on the street

I went out walking this morning, despite how tired I was (mainly because it does refresh me and makes my work days that much more bouncy and I ate Thai last night!), and found this adorable piece of stuck on art work on the brick walls of the railway underpass on Coulson Street. These pieces never last long, thanks to passing vandals and snails, so like many pieces before it, I have photographed it to preserve it for posterity since one of the things I LOVE about Erskineville is that fact that, gentrified or not, it still has a loveably unkempt charm about it....


Bye Bye Ngaire (pron Ny-ree)

One of the joys of the last few years has been getting to know my cousin Ngaire (pictured below with her sister, Moirag) far better than I did growing up (my Dad, fostered at a young age and bounced between relatives wasn't especially close to his family for quite some time, meaning we mostly saw my mum's side of the family). Our catch ups are always fun, and full of laughter and intelligent conversation, and she is also one of the loveliest people I have ever met into the bargain.

Sad part now is, although it is an awesome step forward for her, is that she is leaving Sydney for 12 months to work in a school in Arusha, Tanzania, that caters to young adults who would otherwise not be able to afford to go to secondary school. It is an inspiring endeavour, and I am so proud of Ngaire for wanting to be a part of it. To send her off, she organised for work and uni friends, and family to have drinks and pizza with her at The Roxy in Parramatta. While the music was crazy loud - loved the songs but we were right near the speakers which made talking a challenge at times! - the vibe was fun, food awesome, and I also got to meet her wonderful friends, and get to know my cousin, Moirag, and her partner, Pam, a whole lot better. We also got to ride out to Parramatta and back (my gorgeous guy's old work location from years back), which was fun, especially on the way back with some of the crazy and harmless people who get trains late at night.

Pizza and wine (which thanks to a ditzy barmaid came in a champagne flute at one point)

My gorgeous guy and I

Me, Ngaire and my gorgeous guy

Fun with Instagram 1

Fun with Instagram 2 (on the train home from Parramatta)

Fun with Instagram 3 (also on the train)

Redfern station very late at night - thanks to Instagram again

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