Friday, September 16, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 258 (Thursday 15 September) - On the Road (Show) Again

An early mark of sorts today to attend a roadshow - major division wide presentation - of the division that was behind the It Gets Better video. The event was held at The Big Top @ Luna Park (Sydney), from which the views are amazing, and was unlike anything my division can afford to do - multimedia, blaring rock music, waitered drinks and canapes afterwards - and most importantly the public preview of the video which really seemed to affect a number of people. I was there with my new work friend, Brett, a 22 year bright extrovert who is also in the video and a really lovely guy.

It was such a good afternoon in fact that it was totally worth the mad frantic morning of manic work from 7.30 - 1 that preceded it.


Followed it up that night with dinner with my wonderful friend, Waz @ Stir Crazy Thai. Yum food, lovely cool but pleasant evening (so we sat outside), and a great conversation.... perfect end to an amazing day.

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