Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 261 - IKEA gods

A gorgeous sleep in then I chilled on the couch watching Wacky Races (which I hadn't seen in years) and reading Saturday's Herald while Steve called his mum and dad to see how she was after she fell and broke her arm on the previous Thursday (she is OK but uncomfortable and quiet immobile)

Then we attacked the IKEA Besta unit aiming to get it finished once and for all!

The drawers were done the day before and lie ready for insertion into the Besta (think they're called Inreda)

I am now a dab hand at screwing things in (no jokes please of the innuendi variety, though they would be fun), having been schooled by my gorgeous guy in the proper technique

Yeah man! We're building IKEA things!

The finished item with the TV and stereo in place (blue plastic film is to protect the white gloss look of the shelves)

....and finally, the It Gets Better video has been publicised by Same Same, a major gay website and yours truly made the page. Not the best photo granted but then my personal vanity isn't the issue, and saving LGBTI kids lives is, so any publicity is wonderful!

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