Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 270 - BIG NEWS!

I have resigned my job!

No, I have not taken collective leave of my senses (St George Bank if you're reading this, and I wouldn't be surprised if you were since Google and Facebook like to read everything I do, I am moving to another well paying job so please relax, and worry about Greece defaulting instead please) but rather I  have finally found my dream job which will involve assisting the owner and director with her writing/speaking/blogging/book authoring/magazine editing duties, as well eventually getting to write material for all those fora myself, which is even more exciting! Somewhere in there will be the mundane stuff too, but I am excited about finally having a job that marries up all my acquired skills, with my passion and love for writing, and I am beyond happy that a job I tagged as 'aspirational' actually exists and that I have managed to snare it!

One of the thrilling aspects of this is that the resume I wrote with my career coach, and which was written purely as an exercise for an aspirational job that I thought I'd never land, or at least, not for a number of years, didn't have to be amended at all! It is like God, or the Universe, knew even then at the start of the year that this job was mine. Exciting too that I was handpicked from the 18 short listed people invited to an information session last Wednesday night for an impromptu interview with the owner and her business manager straight after the session. Thank goodness I had Googled the hell out of the company, my new boss, and everything she'd ever done and written so I was well prepared for an interview I didn't know I was happening! The interview was warm and friendly but chock full of great questions and it was probably one of the best, most engaging interviews of my life. My new boss is very friendly, with a ready laugh, and quick wit, and I think we are going to work very well together.

The second interview was also lots of fun over coffee at The Kirribilli Club in Milson's Point. We talked for two hours, back and forth with ease, in what my new boss had decided was like an RSVP date where we could tell each other anything, and should since we'd be such a close knit team. What was truly exciting about this interview was that she seemed genuinely excited and thrilled about what I could offer, what we could do together, and where it could lead. She even got up from her side of the table, ran around and hugged me when I accepted the job. It was a lovely moment and really sealed the deal for me! (All witnessed by my lovely guy who was parked out on the street and saw us talking animatedly like two old friends!)

This is a very happy day! (Thus far only a few close friends, and my bosses know I have resigned but I am sure word will spread fast as it always does in any work place.)



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