Sunday, September 25, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 268 - Wet Baby Wet!

It rained a LOT today.

gloriously so...and it was cold. Normal people hate this kind of weather but I love it. Cold, rainy weather has a lovely snuggly vibe to it and that's just what my guy and I did all day.

He pottered around his apartment reorganising his bookcase, I blogged and blogged and blogged, only venturing out to get vittels including pies from the local Vietnamese bakery which weren't too bad really. High praise indeed right?!

Anyway it was one of those delightfully chilled days that make the weekends so relaxing and good for the soul.

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Blogger Justin said...

Oh, the rain god and goddesses were chuckling at us yesterday! I got soaked! Jus xo

9:18 AM  

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