Sunday, October 02, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 272 (Thursday 29 September) - Catching Up With Heather

So much fun at lunch today.

I didn't take it at my desk and I bought it! But it gets better peeps! (Yes I am using street language again and I know I promised not to do it but I feel vaguely hip when I do, and you wouldn't rob a 40 plus guy of a one fleeting moment of delusional hipness would you?) I had lunch with my wonderful friend Heather, who I started working with at FedEx, and later joined at Optus, who is now on maternity leave (Heather, not Optus), who came in especially when she heard about my exciting good news about the new job! How lovely is she to go to all that trouble?! She also brought in her beautiful 4 month old daughter, Millilani, and we were joined by her husband Ross, who was marking his second last day as a contractor at Optus.

Best lunch in so long and such a delight to see her!

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