Thursday, October 06, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 277 (Tuesday 54 October) - Au Revoir Ian

My dear friend Ian is off to Europe for almost 3 weeks to see his lovely German guy, Ingo, who you may recall has lived in Australia on and off over the last few years. Taking in Germany (Dusselldorf & Munich), the Netherlands, and Croatia, I know they're going to have an awesome time.

So to say goodbye, and because he was staying close by at Warren's for the night so he could be close to the airport, we had a send off for him - Ian, Waz, my guy and me, Peter, and Fahmi) at The Hive Bar (where we started to participate in the trivia contest till our dinner reservation) and then Stir Crazy Thai.

Fabulous night, great wine and walks to and from... oh, and no shots of food Bill if you're reading!

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