Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 33 - Dripping

A hot humid night led into a searing hot and humid day - my favourite segue in the world... really it isn't - saved only by a fridge-like train, bus and office.

Unfortunately, Cityrail, trying it's best to emulate crumbling Third World infrastructure, and succeeding brilliantly, ruined all my heat coping mechanisms, including a chilled bus ride from the company where I work to the City by laying on un-air conditioned sauna-like carriages once more into which I stepped with, yes lucky me, dry cleaning wrapped in a plastic bag that sweated quite delightfully next to me all the way home.

Thankfully, the lap pool at my complex is so cold it takes your breath away when you get into it so I was able to recover - although, I had to share the lane, meaning I did my 750m far faster than normal to keep pace with my swimming 'buddy' who kept creeping ever closer every lap, leaving me red-faced and a tad hot which mitigated the chill temperature somewhat alas - and have a fighting chance of staying sort of cool as I watched episode 1 of season 2 of Fringe with my house mate, then episode 3 season 2 V (yep we're sci-fi nerds people!) even though the breeze came and went with distressing regularity....

Sigh.... where is the cool?


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