Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 26 (Wednesday 26 January) - Happy Ostraya Day Oi OI Oi!

I love Ostraya Day.

It's a chance to..... have a day off! Seriously, I am proud to be Australian, and love the country I live in, but frankly when life is stressful, and I am exhausted, a whole day off mid week to sleep in (tick!), have a lazy brunch (tick!), watch Ellen (tick!), nap (tick!), swim some laps with no one around (tick!), drink some wine and eat cheese & dip (tick) before heading out to Enmore Park, Marrickville for Oz Day festivities - complete with delicious Yum Cha, paella, & Peruvian food and lamington-flavoured Serendipity ice cream with fireworks at 9 p.m. to round things off - with my gorgeous guy, and friends Fahmi, John, Essie and their two kids (tick!) can't be beat!

A glorious, wonderful day..... well except for the heat which was 31 degrees plus and which made me envious of the fruit and dips in the fridge. I came very close to joining them and the lamingtons....


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