Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 27 - Candy-Coloured Creamy Conversation

Mmm gelato!

It wasn't on the menu originally - the catch up with my dear friend Jason was all healthy sushi at Sushi Train on King Street - but after a long catch up, we decided that a walk along King Street would be just the ticket, and naturally, one cannot walk without a gelato in hand. (No, really, you can't - slow languid walking screams for a dairy dessert of some kind, preferably in a cone.)

My one concession to healthy eating was to get a raspberry sorbet on top of my peppermint chocolate scoop but Jason eschewed any pretense to low fat eating and went for two full on gelatos. Which, really, is what I should have done! (I had swum 1 km that night after all so justifying and rationalising would have been a walk in the park.) Esepcially since I was wearing my ice cream sundae T-shirt....


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