Friday, January 28, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 28 - The Truth is at St Peters Station

I am a big believer in truth, accountability and freedom, not to mention a healthy helping of democracy and good ol' fashioned justice, all elements that are not generally in ample supply throughout the world, no matter what that bastion of goodness and dececny (self-styled), the USA, may say. But occasionally comes along someone that tries to level the playing field by trying to fight City Hall, and that someone at the moment is Julian Assange of Wikileaks.

Now I doubt his motives are as pure as he claims but to be fair, no one ever has entirely pure motives no matter what they do, but I do believe he is genuinely trying to keep the bastards honest on a global sale (where are the Democrats when you need them?!), and that is something to be applauded and supported. It is a very popular cause in my area of Erskineville/Newtown where people vote most passionately for liberal causes (and I don't mean you Tony Abbott!) and so I wasn't surprised to see this placed on one of the walls leading into St Peters station...


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