Monday, January 24, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 24 - Hum Drum of Life

No one really likes Mondays.

Oh, there are some people who will pretend they do, just so they go against the prevailing hatred of the first working day of the week - which is fair enough since it's only fair that Monday have some friends - but most of us loathe the day so it was no surprise to me that I dragged myself from bed, wishing I could suddenly develop either unimaginable wealth or a disease bad enought to keep me at home for the day (yet with no lasting ill effects or high medicinal costs). My lethargy wasn't helped by getting home near midnight the night before after a session of the Open Air Cinema - totally worth it as the movie, and the experience, as always, was superb - and so I went to work arriving with the otherworldly sense that my consciousness had somehow managed to stay at home while my body dragged itself across Sydney.

I spent the entire day in a weird haze, wishing that I could just quit, be done with the job, and re-invent myself, all in one day. Of course it's not that easy, and I am taking taking steps such as seeing a career coach to start the changes a-happening, but I was seized many times today by a run-from-the-room-screaming urge to be done with everything then and there and never come back. Sure, we all feel like that sometimes but today it felt compellingly strong, so strong I wanted to act on it and leave...just leave....


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