Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 29 (Saturday 29 January) - More Kulcha, More Pic-a-nicking

I normally draw the line at more than one Domain event each January, not because they aren't fun because they are in bucketloads (of tabouli, chicken and champagne), but because it's an investment of so much time, effort etc when so many other cool things are happening at the same time. But having had a brilliant time at Symphony in the Domain last Saturday, we decided at the urging of friends Ian and Ingo, to pack the blankets into the backpack once more, slice and dice some more tomato and cucumbers, chill the wine and head on in to the Domain with our friend Warren for another day of picnic-based kulcha.

While Opera isn't entirely my thing - I like it to some extent but am far more at home watching Symphony or a Coldplay concert - the opera that was performed Carmen was brash, colourful and melodramatic and featured some instantly recognisable music, and so while the two main characters were utterly unsympathetic making it hard to be too concerned about their fate (which robs a drama, even those sung, of much of their power to enthrall), I enjoyed it along with the time spent with close, wonderful friends on a balmy (almost chilly) Summer evening under the stars (and bats!).


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