Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 30 - Za-za-za-Zanzibar!

A wonderfully lazy Sunday.

Sleeping in with my guy, blogging, reading, swimming 1km, and then drinks with Fahmi and Steve at the Zanzibar where the cocktails are delish - although I was afflicted by the same issue as yesterday when I had brunch with my guy and Warren at Cafe C and my apple/pineapple juice became apple/pineapple mint when they ran out of ginger; this time I could have my Thai Iced Tea when they didn't have lychees or mint - the shade plentiful on the rooftop bar, and the company wonderful...

(Unfortunately my lovely guy was stuck at home all day working on tender documents for the next stage of his contract and couldn't make it so I zipped from the bar - well under the limit thank you after switching to cokes during the afternoon - to his place for a dinner of Thai food and cuddling...noice)


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