Monday, January 31, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 31 - Couscous I Can!

A long day at work - I abhor Mondays with a passion and today was a nasty one, not helped by my less than stellar mood - but I wanted to make a yummy dinner for my guy who was coming over for dinner. So on the way home my fellow EA, Sandra came up with a very yummy recipe for a chicken breast cooked in chilli & garlic on a bed of couscous mixed with coriander, low fat fetta cheese, sun dried tomtatoes, lime juice and mushrooms on a bed of mixed rocket and spinach leaves..... the result?

DELICIOUS! Yes I know I made it so that sounds a little arrogant but it did taste good, and it showed me that when I can be bothered to cook, I actually don't do too badly. The best part was that my gorgeous guy and my housemate both loved the dish.

Score! We even had Weis Mango Bars for dessert..... what's not to like?


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