I am delighted to be gay.
After years of fighting it as a 'sin' and an evil stain that must be expunged from my life, I came to see that being gay is a gift, and not even remotely a curse. I have a wonderful group of supportive, caring friends, a rich, varied life, and the undying truly authentically beautiful love of a man who I adore back more than words can express.
All sunshiney and lovely, but lately there have been some bizarre minor gnat-like annoying attacks on this happy sense of self, which have left me non-plussed more than angry or upset. First up was two straight guys muttering, as my guy and I walked past them on King Street holding hands (nothing more), that we should 'get a room'. Odd when a straight couple further down the street were sucking off each other's face with all the fervour of a Dyson vaccum cleaner on a cleaning bender.
I tucked it in the back of my mind as just one of those things, till Saturday night when some guys in a car bearing green P-plates drove past us in Darlinghurst (a heavily gay area) and shouted 'Hey look at The Fags!'. Not so much offensive, as amusing, as it wasn't said with any malice I could detect, but odd that we were singled out in the street surging with gay people.

Finally last night I walking to the pub we had dinner at, The Botany View, when a guy leaned out of a car and yelled 'Go away ya pofters!'. This was especially odd since the four us were walking along much as any group of guys would, dressed in very ungay clothing and not throwing glitter around or anything gay-like. Why they would single us out is a mystery and why their puny, stunted brains thinking they have a right to tell me to go away from where I live and they don't is a one of those things I will never adequately work out.
Does it trouble me? Not really on one level, but having been the victim of a lot of gay-themed teasing at school, it does sting to some extent, and I wonder again why the insecure among us can only bolster their teetering egos by laying into others.
I am happy and secure in who I am. Pity they can't say the same.