Wednesday, September 22, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 265 : Get Your Gleek On, Jiffy Shurtuff!

Two things..... One funny and one fabulous....


My lovely friend Justin sent me some Ghiradelli chocolates he had bought me when he was in San Francisco recently - couriered all the way from far away North Ryde to my work place - and he sent it in a bag manufactured by Jiffy Shurtuff, a US plastics packaging company. So when I was sent the email by the mailroom saying who the package was from, who's name made it onto the email? Yep Jiffy Shurtuff, my bestest buddy!


The first episode of the new (second) season of Glee was on TV tonight! Enough said...

OK not really.... the episode was wonderful, fantastically funny and touching all at once, and Jane Lynch as Sue Sylvester had some golden lines including references to hillbillies having sex with the exhaust pipes of 'certain off road vehicles', and some of her students being so eager to join the Cheerios (cheerleading squad) that they lined up all Summer to sign up, getting so deluded in the process that 'several of them started worshipping a possum carcass as their one true god'..... and the music? Gorgeous!

An absolute camp blast of fun, music and heart. Love it! (No, not you McDonalds - man it is not all about you! IN my case, it's never about you!)


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