Sunday, January 24, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 24 (Sunday 24 January 2010): More Reversing of Garbage, More Svlarken Yarken, and More Vittels

After the sleep in to dwarf all sleep ins - ah the glorious loveliness of dozing on and off with no schedule to adhere to! - my beautiful guy and I wolfed down some toast, and hit the road, first for Reverse Garbage in Marrickville to pick up some more items for Fair Day (including 8 hot pink beanie baby bears! I know I am not straight but man did I look gay as I walked back to the car!), and then to IKEA for a 3.5 hour shopping odyssey (with friends, Fahmi and Stephen) before stopping for dinner at a Japanese Restaurant in Neutral Bay where we BBQ'd our own dinner.....YUM!

Yes it was an exhausting day but when you spend it with good friends especially one you don't see too often like Stephen, it's always lots of fun and we did fun things like eat $1 hotdogs and soft serve ice cream at IKEA - yep probably not the most sensible of dietary decisions but what the hell! - drive all across Sydney and laugh and catch up on anything and everything..... it was a great day with people I care about.


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