Monday, January 25, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 25 : Tumbleweeds Through the Cubicles... Then Abs All Around!

I was expecting a slow day in Dodge with barely anyone in (well that much proved true) due to the Australia day public holiday on Tuesday 26 January, with a commensurate drop in workload, meaning I could catch up on all the outstanding less-than-urgent- items that never seem to make it into the daily chaos of demands that is my work day.

What I got instead was a frantically busy day with the only saving grace being that I did get to leave at a somewhat reasonable hour - about 5.15 after starting at 7.20 - and go home and get ready for the Big Night Out (BNO) at Stonewall Hotel, a gay nightclub on Oxford Street, popular with twinks (twenty something gays who bizarrely seem to be all wearing Flock of Seagulls hairdos which for an 80s lad is unnerving and odd!). There was no particular reason for this rare outing onto the Scene - I am about as non Scene Queen as you can get! - other than it was the night before a public holiday, and hence, why not?!

So after some drinks at Kinsela's, a pub on Taylor Square where I had my birthday drinks just two months before in this vaulted art deco room which is just gorgeous, we (myself, my beautiful guy, and great friends, Stephen and Fahmi... Stephen is the one with the temporary tattoo) had dinner at another pub nearby, The Courthouse, where the food was Ok but not brilliant, and which clearly has seen better days. It certainly wasn't in the same league as Botany View Hotel's gourmet food alas (see Saturday 23 January 2010's entry).

Still the food was edible - yep high praise indeed right?! LOL - and gave us the energy needed, along with a couple of vodkas, to go into Stonewall, which surprisingly was full of older guys tonight, with only a smattering of young guys in impossibly tight shirts, and shorts. We found a spot by the stage in a very crowded, narrow bar, and drank some, had a ball watching the drag queen compere, and ogling and touching the buns of the go-go dancers (purely to slip them a tip thank you! But yes their buns were gloriously tight, and as yummy as the rest of their finely-honed god-like bodies). We eve made it upstairs to the dancefloor, where young uys were dancing, kissing and groping each other in their underwear. We didn't join them in that state of undress (!!), and after a brief boogie, and near-defeaning by the insanely loud music (I love the music but have decided my ears just can't handle the volumes anymore...egad, am I becoming....older? GASP!), headed home at 2 a.m., after a very respectable 4 hours of night club dwelling, and after staying awake for far longer than I expected I could manage.

What a fun night! We must do it again soon..... after a jolly good nanna nap of course :)


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