Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Project 289 - Day 183 : Cleaning Out the Closet (No, The Metaphorical Gay One...Left That Ages Ago!!)

I hunted for it, I hunted for it there, I hunted for that freakin' charger everywhere....

...and I didn't find it! After upending the cupboard where the mattress pump sits (sans the power charger which has gone AWOL), ferreting through all my kitchen cupboards, and cleaning up hitherto unexplored dark regions of my walk in wardrobe (wherein I discovered a lost tribe of very confused accountants), and even looking under couches and atop bookcases, I failed to find any sign of the power charger. It seems that thousands of miles from Bermuda, that I have a supernatural zone operating in my apartment, sucking in the usual socks and pens, but now power chargers.

What will be next? Cue sounds of ominous foreboding, footsteps in the dark, and lightning, and be afraid, be very, very afraid..... or only slightly.... really it's not that scary...


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