Thursday, July 23, 2009

Project 289 - Day 128 : I Am off to Canada!

Well not today!

But much sooner than I expected! The plan was to go in late December for Christmas, and while I would have loved to have done that, and experienced a white Christmas out on the plains of Alberta with my dear friends, Sandra and Ken, the airfares, even in the midst of the Global Finacial Crisis, are horrendous at that time of year.

So... I am heading off in early November for 2 weeks in my second favourite city and country on earth - Vancouver, Canada! Naturally my heart is in Sydney, Australia, but I love Vancouver to bits - it's a fun, vibrant city with gorgeous scenery, lively arts and social scenes, salmon.... and Sandra and Ken! What's not to love?

I can't wait to go there! Naturally I shall now be no good at all to anyone for the next three months because in my mind I am already there!! Watch out!


Blogger Sandra said...

Excellent how exciting. You will be very wishing every day that the day was here.

8:58 AM  

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