Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 305 - Halloween!

No dressing up for me this year - I was invited to three parties but couldn't make any of them due to competing engagements - two last Saturday night when I was celebrating Waz's birthday  and one this Friday night which we can't make because Steve will be driving back from Bathurst - but my Halloween Smurfs did make it to work and to spidersgroup tonight, all snugly carried in my Ghirardelli Jack o' Lantern bag form 2009.

Plan to go all now next year but for now, here's some fun Halloween cartoons and a video by a very morose yet philosophical French cat musing on Halloween.

Oh and Google had a special logo to mark the day which was perfect.

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Love my darling niece, and my sister who keeps taking awesome shots of her giving me a precious window into the life of the niece I see too seldom.

Zara at Art in the Park at Broadbeach - Sunday 28 october

Getting ready for Halloween last weekend

All dressed up for Halloween as a tiger at pre-school

Another photo posted Friday 2 November of Zara picking a turtle up out of a pond:


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 304 - Getting all technical ...

I am not a technical guy.

I just am not.

But I gave it my best shot today when I starting setting up all the equipment needed to record two interviews with two authors and with Danielle's help, largely succeeded.

Well fully succeeded really since the interviews recorded beautifully (we think!).

One of them was with well known champion of music and conductor, Richard Gill,  who was just delightful and I got a pic with him (for Steve) as did Rose.

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Monday, October 29, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 303 - Mixing up the commute!

Stayed overnight at Steve's, which was wonderful and had the absolute pleasure of being dropped off at Lewisham station - so different point of departure yay!! - and getting an apple from him to eat during the day.

And it worked. Not a single doctor came near me.

Not one.

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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 302 - Yum Cha-ing baby!

Yum Cha with Tricia and Gerald and the absolutely adorable Vivienne at a new Yum Cha place in QVB called "Fat Buddha".

The food was delicious, and we talked and talked and talked.

Perfect day.

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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 301 -

Two things today! Yes two things worthy of being immortalised in a blog ...

Firstly we tried a new cafe - Peas way down Mitchell road - OK not way down but almost at the end of it - and the food was delicious! Truly, utterly YUM. I had a French beef burger with brie, mushrooms, and sour cream and it was so flavourful, as was the raspberry and white chocolate cheesecake that followed it.

Will we be back? As sure as night follows day which follows night ... you get the picture.

Then a brief break in the afternoon - hello nap! Hello Andrew - before going out to Bench Wine Bar in Newtown for Warren's birthday where I got to see Jason and Melinda, and Warren and Leith, friends of Waz's I hadn't seen since the San Francisco trip in October 2009.

We talked lots, drank cocktails, Warren spilt an Long Island Tea down one of the legs of my jeans (fun! No, not really) and then adjourned to Matee across the road for their fabulous Turkish food, more wine,  and a fabulous Black Forest Gateau that we had to wait in line to purchase earlier in the day at Haberfield. Yes we waited in line at Papa's an amazing cake shop that is VERY popular!

The line to get into the cake shop including the woman directly in front who was waiting across the road with us for the walk signal, heard us talking getting a cake and bolted once the car cleared to beat us into the line. Hilarious and pathetic all at once.

Waz's present

Fahmi and my gorgeous guy

Ian and Waz 1

Ian and Waz 2

Ian and Waz 3

Steve and I

Melinda and Leith

Leith and Warren

The gorgeous Warren and Leith

Gay candles much? LOL

Ian's Gluten-free version

Cut the cake Waz!

Melinda and Jason

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Friday, October 26, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 300 -

Out walking with Fahmi this morning after just 5 hours sleep and caught this beautiful sunrise on the way back to my place ...

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