Friday, August 31, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 244 - Pub lunch, Zara and flames o'er Newtown

So we went to lunch at The Commodore Hotel up the road - YUM! - checking out the view on a perfect, if cold, spring day on the way there and back.

And then my sister posted another cute shot of Zara climbing up the treehouse ladder at the Macadamia Castle at Knockrow ...

And finally, BIG FIRE in Newtown, barely 5 minutes from where I live. Drama!

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TGIF Funnies

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 243 - Behold the sunrise

Out walking early again with Fahmi.

Tired after walking twice yesterday - with Fahmi in the morning and with Waz at night - but any exhaustion wiped by seeing the beautiful colours and cloud formations at sunrise.

And the day ended with gorgeous pink-hued sunsets over the Harbour.

The perfect visual bookend.

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 242 - I got re-tweeted

I love days where I get re-tweeted. It may only happen the once but it's still fun to see it happen.

Oh and we played with boxes today (Rose is moving so is accumulating boxes from Le Bay Cafe nearby) ... #suchfun!

And Helen posted a cute note on Facebook today. My adorable niece Zara couldn't wait to give her dad his Father's Day card and gift she's made at playgroup and so gave it to him today.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 241 : Twitter and the mark of the beast

No, no, no ... I don't think Twitter is an instrument of Satan (although with the trolls lurking there, you could be forgiving for thinking that).

I reached a certain number of followers today.


Thankfully one of these followers was a spammer so slipped back to a non-Satanic 665 shortly thereafter!

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Monday, August 27, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 240 -

I decided to try and have some fun with Monday on Twitter and I think it worked ...

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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 239 - Sloth, indolence ... and brunch

Christ stayed the night after the big game the day before and we had brunch at Kelbys, a great cafe in Marrickville with HUGE delicious big breakfasts and friendly service.

And after a very lazy day of napping, blogging and watching TV - another episode of the hilarious Green Wing, which is anarchic loopy British comedy at its best - Steve cooked from scratch with no recipe (he is SO clever!) a YUMMO chicken and noodle soup.


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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 238 - Go Hawkers!

Great day at the footy!

Yes the footy! Again.

Caught the train in and out from Dulwich Hill station

After seeing Hawthorn lose to the Swans two years ago, this time they won! By 7 points after a tense back and forth match that saw each team take the lead by the slimmest of margins only to lose a goal or kick later. Fantastic, adrenaline-pumping stuff and I loved it.

We went with Steve's friend Chris from Canberra who LOVES AFL and his beloved Hawthorn, and during the game he listened to the commentary on his radio to keep up with things we might have missed seeing.

I bought a Hawthorn beanie, to go with the scarf Carolyn gave me two years ago, we all had beer or wine (Steve had a dickie seat and it tipped him forward at one point spilling his beer on the older lady in front; she handled it very well) and sausage rolls and a Crunchie bar, I ate all the nails down to my fingers, and I got group hugged by happy drunk Hawthorn fans on the way out of the SCG grounds.

And we finished off the day with a delicious dinner at Bau Truong in Marrickville before crashing for the night (Christ stayed on the fold out couch at Steve's).

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