Saturday, December 24, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 358 - Christmas eve in Melbourne

Up nice and early - 7am is an early start on a holiday but we had a lot to do before everyone arrived. Ric and Carolyn were already up and vacuuming and mopping so as soon as we showered, we started helping out. I was tasked with sweeping the outside patio, stacking wine glasses, and of course decorating the olive trees in tubs and two other trees with red peppermint candy canes. Doesn't everyone? I even created, with Carolyn, a temporary shadecloth over the clothes line with a white sheet for what was supposed the kids table (they never used it). She even decorated it with baubles!

Carolyn and Ric's Christmas tree with 12 Days of Christmas hanging on the stairwell.

Carolyn makes a gingerbread house every Christmas which always features exquisite attention to detail.

We had all sorts of Xmas music playing all morning including gorgeous songs by Doris Day and Ella Fitzgerald and it kept playing as everyone arrived about 11.30. First to arrive were my gorgeous guy's parents, Kath and Kim and Ken's brother John, followed by my guy's brother Darren & Melissa (& their kids Matisse and Noah) followed by his other brother Brian and Sue ( and their kids Lucy, Stella and Hugo) and then the fun began.

Noah approached his pip-spitting with characteristic gumption

They are the loveliest family to spend time with. We started with the cherry pip sitting contest for the kids which was fun and then hightailed it back inside the delightful air conditioning which was so welcome with the heat outside. I stayed outside for a little with some of the guys and told them about the new job and finding out how they were doing but it finally got too hot and I headed inside with my wine.

Of course the present exchange especially with the kids eager to open their gifts has to be a priority and so before lunch, paper was sent flying, the kids oohed and aahed, and everyone looked and smiled at how much fun they were having. We also loved our gifts! I got Coast volume 1 and a USB hub from Brian while Steve got a fantastic stackable picnic set from his mum. Thankfully too Melissa loved the Luc Nguyen book I got her - she was even contemplating whether to get it so my gift-giving savant skills came to the fore again!

Lucy loved her mug.

Hugo is quiet most of the time but showed his obvious delight as he opened his gifts.

Matisse and Stella enjoying their gift opening.
Lucy playing with Hugo's new toy. We all took turns doing weird face impressions etc. FUN!

Stella takes a beautiful photo.
Noah loved his walkie-talkies
My guy with his part of his gift from his mum and dad.

My guy's mum got me the cutest, and no doubt, yummiest white chocolate bear.

My guy had lots of gifts to give out to his nieces and nephews!

Paper flew everywhere!

The girls loved their Smiggles headphones and iTunes gift cards.

Matisse smiling away.

Carolyn with her lovely bag.

Lucy cuddling her mum, Sue.

Melissa handmade her gift tags and they looked awesome!

Yay she loved my gift to her!

My guy's gorgeous mum and dad.

Steve's fabulous picnic set.

Lunch was delicious - chicken, side of lamb, salads (including a beautiful carrot salad by Sue, and a yummy potato salad by Melissa), sausage rolls and chicken mango patties cooked by my guy. So much yummy food, and fun conversation with the kids who are all so well-behaved and friendly.

Sue and I

My yummy plate full of food

Matisse and her nanna spend a lovely moment together over lunch.
Then we made strawberry (and cherry) Santas with cream and chocolate  and vanilla icing in tubes with the kids and they loved it. It was so much fun! By the end the kids were filling chocolate Santas with cream and making Santa into Jesus with a beard made of cream (Stella's fab contribution to the activity.) We had a ball!

My gorgeous guy made the first Santa to show the kids how you do it. Tres cute.

Me with my strawberry Santa...yes I ate him (see photo below where he has mere seconds to 'live')

Matisse gives Jesus his beard!

The rest of the afternoon was spent chatting, drinking wine or beer and catching up with his lovely family. We managed to sneak in dessert - Carolyn's trifle was beyond delicious - which included my favourite White Christmas (made by Noah) and shortbread faces made by my guy and his mum. It was all so nicely spaced apart though that I didn't feel over full at all and again the air conditioning was such a delight.

The afternoon finished with everyone gathered watching photos on the TV - the kids love it! - and silly YouTube clips (OK that was the kids pretty much but some were delightfully silly). After Darren and Melissa left for home to get ready for hosting the official Montague family Christmas lunch the next day, the rest of us relaxed outside - there was now a breeze hooray!- until we left for the airport @ 7pm. Melissa, Carolyn and my gorgeous guy's mum all very sweetly thanked me for going to all the effort of coming to Melbourne for just 24 hours which was such a delightful thing to do. Truth is I wouldn't have missed time with my guy's wonderful family for the world.

What a fantastic day and not even a 1/2 delay in our flight to the Gold Coast could taint that! Yes it was that good a day! Thank you Montagues!

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