Friday, December 23, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 357 - Last day of work for the year!

So I only worked till noon today but what a busy morning it was! So many blog posts to load, emails to answer, and things to tidy up before the work year ends. We did stop, however for waffles and chocolate or caramel ice cream - no prizes for guessing what I picked! - and Moet champagne with orange juice before I zipped home, packed, threw three new ornaments on the tree, and finished up my Christmas blog (an exercise in blogging hell alas as my internet picked today to be truly diabolical. As I type this it's only an hour till I leave for the airport, fly to Melbourne to meet my guy and start Christmas proper.

I can't wait. It will be fabulous!

Last day of work for the year and by Wynyard I was ALONE in the carriage. Awesome!

Fun and festive hat, my last day of work for the year tradition

The table all set out

Ice cream on the waffle... didn't last long! YUM!!

Champers all right for you Pats? Mmm yes please!

So much yumminess on one table

Not so much a new ornament as just re-discovered and placed on the tree

One of the rubber ducks I bought in North Sydney yesterday

... and the other.

Airport postscript - Virgin are such sentimentalists. All our flights were delayed last Christmas and so this year they have fondly kept the tradition alive - the big softies! - and delayed my flight out of Sydney! Awww... So sweet... Or not. I have at least had some sushi and fulfilled my favourite Christmas tradition - way better than Virgin's! - and bought the Holiday Issue of The Economist which is as much a part of Christmas as overdosing on chocolate sultanas (as I did last night along with pizza and white wine) and decorating my tree. I felt better about the 45 minute wait in line to get checked in (despite e-checking in this afternoon... why do I bother?) and yes even the delay.

But Virgin should know that my sentimental appreciation of flight delays is nowhere near as vast and deep as theirs appears to be and I want to leave at the new departure time of 6.50 please...

It's now 6.38, 13 minutes after the new departure time & we are still waiting to board. Honestly this is beyond a joke. If QANTAS can sort out their industrial issues, I am booking with them next time. I know it's Christmas but enough is enough. For goodness sake it's Christmas. I LOVE Christmas! I shouldn't be in a bad mood when I am flying off for Christmas to be with both sides of the family, and see my beautiful man. I resent Virgin tainting my Christmas yet again...

P.P.S. Last night was annoying but I was also very tired. The flight finally boarded at 6.55, I read Entertainment Weekly during the flight and met my man down at baggage claim around 8.50. So I got there eventually! I even had a half foot long sub (love Americans' dogged loyalty to an antiquated measuring system) on way back to Carolyn's and we had a lovely chat with her before going to bed. I was out in seconds being, yep, VERY TIRED.

Let Christmas begin...



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