Thursday, December 15, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 349 - It's beginning to look like a Christmas window display

I went out walking this morning with my camera and some of the fun Christmas displays on King Street. Not on par with London I'm sure but it's nice that people are making an effort.

Here's my eight favourite stores...

Christmas lingerie. That's something I will never have to shop for, trust me.

This is the collect cafe with greta food and the besets window display!

Lemongrass's small trees in the window are festooned with fairy fairylights.

Scissor Sisters hair salon's tree is slight but cute.

I am not sure what this hi-fi store is aiming for - interesting mix of plush toys.

Glittery pretty stars at this hair salon - love them.

I adore the miniature climbing Santas at Out of Sight eyewear!

Christmas alpacas are awesome. I want me one.
And finally I had dinner with my lovely friend Justin last night in Newtown at Sushi Train - yum the Karaage Chicken and Takoyaki Balls! - and we did some shopping afterwards at Eastern Flair who always have the best window displays (yep, don't walk on that side of the street!)

Then my gorgeous guy sent me a very artistic shot of his apartment all decked out for Christmas... he is so creative...

Last, but most definitely least, is my adorable nephew Bodhi eating my favourite chocolate of all - the Lindor ball. YUM!

OK I lied. Not last at all! Here's my niece Zara who got her hair washed in the laundry tub when a shower didn't seem that appealing. Too cute!

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