Monday, October 17, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 290 - Farewell to Optus Day 1

The last week people! I can't believe it has come around so quickly, and while I am excited to be starting a new job, it's also odd leaving a place where I liked working for so long. So to mark the occasion, here's my diary of the week, the small and the large moments :

9.37 a.m. At work over an hour and trying very hard to finish things off. But feel like I am already no longer working here. A very Kramer-esque moment and not at all helpful in helping me stay focused on wrapping up the multitude of loose ends...

10.44 a.m. My head is spinning. So much stuff is zinging from one side of my brain to the other that I can barely keep track of it. I know I can't possibly getting absolutely everything tied up and perfect before I shugffle this Optus coil, but damn it, I am going to try!! Must breathe slower...

10.57 a.m. I am throwing out a small 2 ring binder because the spine label has slipped too far into the plastic holder for me to retrieve and replace it. My green sensibilities are outraged but the part of me that just wants to be done here and gone is mighty pleased and cares not....

11.19 a.m. Seems that one of my bosses is now going to Melbourne Cup and no one told the EA (yours truly). Thankfully I got into her a hotel in Melbourne city but I will not miss those Secret Squirrel conversations that never quite make it back to me...

12.40 p.m. LUNCH! This week I am saying goodbye to my favourite meals at campus and today's pick is salad + Tandoori Chicken from the Mexican place, Cantina Fresco (yes a weird Indian / chick pea & pumpkin / rocket, figs and pear / zucchini, peas & fetta salad combo!) which is nom nom NOM! I shall miss it, and the lovely people who serve it...

1.30p.m. Finished a lovely long actual lunch hour blogging and eating that very delicious salad. Now to tackle the final weeks of December in one of my bosses' diaries and get it all ship shape... Whee! (This I will not miss)

4.53 p.m. The great gap between this entry and the last is indicative of just how crazy gonzo busy life has become in the dying weeks and days of this job. Since lunch's brief sanity reprieve, I have overhauled one of my bosses' diaries for dates between November and Christmas/New Year, scheduled a ridiculous number of new meetings, answered emails, sent emails and barely stopped to scratch myself. I will be heartily glad to leave this sort of freneticism.

5.01p.m. My desk is getting barer and barer. Today the faux-Oscar statuette I got for acting in a silent movie to promote a new work system is in the bag for the journey home, as is dental floss, a funky pen I was given (no, I am not stealing stationery, thank you) and a tube of Redoxon (like Berocca). Feels like I am evacuating everything special to me to a safe destination, which is an odd feeling since for so long this place I work at felt like home. But now the future beckons and this work place is days away from becoming the past. Exciting but vaguely unsettling all at once...

...oh and my drawer looks so empty, cleaned of excess pens, rubber bands, Aspro Clears, and yes even dental floss... but the calendar stands sentinel still on my desk and won't be removed till Friday... last item out and a sign that Andrew Has Left the Building...

5.23pm Almost time to leave. Dinner with my lovely new boss tonight as a orientation session of sorts which should be fun and informative and a great day way to allay nerves about what to expect first up in the new role. That's as long as I can find the place in McMahon's Point....

5.55 p.m. Caught the bus home with my sometime bus buddy Sammi, just like old times, and likely for the last time. We always caught it when we were going out to dinner for dumplings, sushi or ribs, and had a lovely long catch up on the way from work. It was lovely to do it one last time tonight...

7.02 p.m. Caught up for dinner with my new boss tonight at Blues Point Hotel and it was awesome! The future looks so exciting - more writing, social media, everything. Can't wait!



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