Sunday, October 09, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 282 - Vroom! Memories of Bathurst

I watched a couple of hours of the Bathurst 1000 (which I insist on calling the Hardie Ferodo 1000, a name it hasn't had for 30 years!). 

Well when I saw 'watched', I mean, I sat next to my gorgeous guy, who, while not a rev head, does enjoy the race and its links to Bathurst, a town he has spent a lot of time in, and sometimes watched it, but mostly tweeted, read the paper, made food etc while I sat next to him and cuddled.

My dad, who loves watching it, would have been so proud... or shocked.

Yeah, let's go with shocked.

Anyway, it was surprisingly fleetingly enjoyable (although I doubt it will ever become destination viewing)

>> oh yes and we (my guy, me and Fahmi) tried out a new cafe today down near Marrickville Metro - The Wolf and the Honeybee (such a cool name!). It's a mix of food and political art on the walls, and was fun. Bigger menu needed though to keep me coming back.

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