Sunday, October 09, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 280 (Friday 6 October) - Fish n Chips in the Dark

After avoiding the fish n chips place on King St because of the insanely long time they took to cook the food - necessitating us taking takeaway Indian food to a dusk picnic late last Summer! - my gorgeous guy and I ventured out for a very nice seafood dinner (I had enjoyed a wonderful annual leave day). The plan was to take it to the park, but too late we realised it was getting darker a lot quicker than we'd expected - it's not Summer yet! - so we settled for dinner on the balcony of my apartment. Good thing too as it started raining not long after we got home.

Oh, and the cooking time? A speedy 15 minutes, near light speed compared to their previous efforts.

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