Friday, October 14, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 286 (Thursday 13 October) - Goodbye Optus 1 : Lisa

One of the things that endured right throughout my employment at Optus was the wonderful people I got to work with, know, and love as good friends.

Lisa is one of the main reasons that work was so much fun. She loves pop culture with even more obsession than I do, if that is possible (and believe it is!), which means we spent a lot of time talking about all sorts of TV shows and internet ephemera, she's warm hearted and funny, and one of those things you want to be friends your entire life.

So, today, in the lead up to the end of all Optus things on October 21, I had lunch with her at Jam n Spoon on campus, and we caught up on all sorts of news including the new 'jerb', and had the loveliest of times, one last time (well at least at work; I fully expect many non work catch ups to happen in the future.)

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