Monday, October 17, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 289 (Sunday 16 October) - Bounty of Birthdays 2

More fabulous birthdays! Love them!

Books from Berkelouw - A World Without Bees for Essie and a miscellany book on photography for John

Today's celebration was for John & Essie, close friends in Marrickville who cooked up a delicious roast dinner (we provided some dips and bread for entree to go with their cheeses and chips), which we all enjoyed out in the beautiful sunshine (and thankfully for me, shade) of their backyard, surrounded by trees, friends and lots of laughter. Meals at their place are always a relaxed affair, and it was so lovely to just sit back, play with their gorgeous twins, watch Fahmi almost fall asleep numerous times, speculate on who'd win the All Blacks v Wallabies rugny match at the World Cup in NZ, and then around 5pm slip home for a nap...

Yes, we were a tad exhausted after a busy, but absolutely wonderful weekend...

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