Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 291 - Farewell to Optus 2

Diary of a soon to be released large corporation inmate:

9.01a.m. Congratulations me! I deleted myself from administration of the shared drives here, forgetting that I wasn't in any of the user groups, which meant that when I tried to go into one today to start the Trading Dashboard, I couldn't get into it! D'oh! Far too efficient for my own good...

10.10 a.m. I am no longer the owner of any of the email distribution lists. Another part of the farewell puzzle falls into place and I am happy...

10.45 a.m. Off for one of my last cross-campus and floor runs where I dash from building to building, and floor to floor delivering documents, collecting things, and obviating any need for an ongoing cardio routine. It always amuses me when people complain about going one building over for a meeting since I regularly traverse great swathes of our six building campus in any given day. Off I go....

11.10 a.m. Final drop off of legal documents on the executive level and a nasty over-territorial male lawyer lost his cool when I left documents on the desk I have always left them on, unaware they have JUST instituted a new policy of dropping them off in a tray across the hallway. What a grossly unpleasant man...

11.28 a.m. Back at my desk, and trying to get myself back into a happy head space. Awful how one deeply unhappy small-minded, small-personal-universe person can poison your day. I must shake him off.

12.18 p.m. Lunch run. These started out as an occasional thing on busy days when I offered to help by getting my bosses lunch and graduated to an everyday occurrence, occasionally augmented by requests for yoghurts, coffees during the day. I did begin to feel like a uni intern getting the food for my paid superiors a lot and while I was thanked for my efforts from time to time, I will be happy to see this back of this errand...

1.32 p.m. Neck deep in preparing my final ever Trading Dashboard, which is bad enough alone normally, but I am simultaneously updating my How To Guide for the Dashboard. I will be so happy to kiss goodbye to his particular Tuesday kind of hell....

1.57 p.m. Almost done - both Dashboard and How To Guide - and just waiting for the Ports Report (so named because it charts who has ported which mobile numbers where) to land. Then off, skipping merrily, to the printer we go...

2.19pm It is done and I have hit print. Farewell Dashboard. I shall not miss you....

2.56 p.m. The full SLT (Senior Leadership Team) packs are on the table in the Managing Director's meeting room, and again I will not miss all the printing and sorting and collating.... is a Snoopy dance of Joy appropriate now? I believe so.

3.37 p.m. Took a photo of the potplant I was given on my first day here, which has grown nicely (this is a miracle since I have the Black Thumb of Death with most indoor plants) but which I leave behind because (a) it looks like a Triffid and isn't exactly a warm and cuddly plant if such a thing exists, and (b) it would be a monumental pain in the.... to get home on the bus and train.... bye bye weird spiky plant....

4.43p.m. Attempts to flee the corporate salt mine 'early' come to sweet luminescent f. a. when my bosses meeting ends early, discussions with her business managers ensue, and new and hitherto unheralded meetings burst forth like hideous alien creatures from the host's stomach. I cannot overstate just how much I will not mourn the meeting addictions rampant here. It is insanity writ large and meticulously timetabled.

5.27p.m. Da bus, boss, da bus! I never truly loved buses and frankly will be happy to be back to an all train commute again soon, but today it looked lovely indeed. Walking to my escape from the salt mines chariot, I called my boyfriend like I often do leaving work, and heard his voice which always ends the work day perfectly. He is beautiful...

6.08pm Caught the train home at last, hoping my brain which is currently doing a sterling job of forming whole & cohesive sentences much to my surprise, continues to keep processing like a trouper till I get home, drive to my boyfriend's, make witty lively conversation over dinner, and drive home...



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