Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 212 - Kohi o Nomimasu ka?

What a gloriously lazy day!

Normally my gorgeous guy would have to work at home on one of his many projects but with them winding down, that hasn't been as pressing. So today, after his big birthday party the night before, we slept in for ages, luxuriating in the fact that we had nothing at all to do that day - the best kind of sleeping in is when you don't feel pressed to jump up from bed for anything - then drove into Newtown for brunch @ cafe ism, some shopping and then finished the clean up of the kitchen... then we napped. So gloriouslu decadent and wonderful. I loved it.

My gorgeous guy's latte. I am not a coffee drinker and stuck to juice but it sure looks pretty doesn't it?

Alas the day did not finish off as wonderfully as it started, with a migraine hitting as my beautiful man and I were finishing off dinner (leftovers from the par-tay!) and watching the ABC News. He went home early so I could crash and seal myself off from the world, and I ended up sleeping for 8 hours straight which never happens....


Oh, and one more shot of my delightfully cute nephew, Bodhi. Walking now, and more than 1/2 as tall as his mum, my sister.... at 1!

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 211 (Saturday 30 July) - Easter in July?

Tonight's the night the teddy bears have their... no, wait, no bears tonight.

Essie right at the start of things


Fahmi, Steve & Essie (out of picture) in animated discussion

John looking most dapper

Fahmi and Peter

Ian & I

Essie's delightful semolina-based biscuits

Instead, we had a lots of Easter bunnies, chickens and eggs at the Easter-themed birthday dinner for my darling man, Steve. It took a huge amount of buying up at post-Easter sales over two years or so, which included buying a fabulous white Easter tree (yes there are such things), a lot of skullduggery and secret keeping (the theme wasn't released to anyone bar two very close friends, who made the entree & got the desserts organised - thank you Fahmi and Warren respectively!), and a lot of work on the Saturday itself, all of which was totally and utterly completely worth it when I saw the look of utter delight on my guy's face when he first saw all the decorations up. That's why you go all that trouble isn't it? So that the guest of honour will feel special, honoured, loved, and the centre of attention, and to see how much he loved it was all the reward I needed.

The gang

The birthday boy and I

Lots of great conversation

Peter in bunny ears
John in bunny ears

Essie in bunny ears... sense a pattern?

Justin and Cam in bunny ears

Warren's ears flash purple....

...... and now red... yes how demure!

My gorgeous man, the birthday boy, stylin' it up!

The two of us bunny-ing it up!

The 'cake' with rapidly burning smiley candles is presented

By the glow of candle light

Blowing out the candles

Smiling as they burn to zero

"I have bunny ears on? Moi?"

Close to midnight we kept talking and drinking...

While we couldn't assemble all his friends, we did manage to get 10 or so along, in direct competition with some other big birthday parties on that night, and the evening flowed along beautifully. Music was courtesy of this year's Eurovision mix when everyone was milling around with their hibiscus-flower infused champagne, and then Astrud Gilberto and some of Fahmi's beloved Motown sound during the meal itself. Fahmi's cauliflower soup was sensationally creamy and delish, my Moroccan meatballs turned out just fine after two days of soaking in the tomato sauce in the fridge, and the dessert, salted caramel tarts was just divine, all finished off with Warren's fabulous Easter cocktail served in small chocolate Easter eggs (raspberry chambourd, Baileys, cream and chocolate powder), and all that fabulous food fueled a fun night of great conversation, lots of silly bunny ears wearing and the sort of one you want at a birthday dinner, any birthday dinner....

But especially at my gorgeous guy's big night. Happy birthday babe...I love you.

Friday, July 29, 2011

TGIF Cartoon fun thanks to VIMROD!

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 210 - TGIF and Mannequins with Severe Spinal Deformities

This was going to be the blog shot for the day - another shot of the view from where I stand @ St Peters station, speaking to the Groundhog Day-esque quality of many of my work days.... yes even on TGIF, the most sacred and revered work day of them all

Far better was this shot in MYER, while at lunch with my lovely work friend, Vanessa, of mannequins in hideous clothes combos with apparently terrible neck and shoulder injuries.... hilarious and picture worthy and tres TGIF!

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 209 (Thursday 28 July) - Slow Again

So let's play Monday's game again - I typed in 'Insolvent Iguanas on Crack' and got this....

At this point I can't confirm why Star Wars is associated with iguanas in Google search or whether it's the giant lizard or Stormtrooper who's on crack...

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 208 - My Guy's Birthday! Yeah!

I am a birthday junkie, which means my own birthday becomes an event that bestrides the globe swamping all before it...

... and this self same epic mentality extends to those nearest and dearest to me, whether they like it or not. Just kidding! If they don't like it, I do respect that, and don't push it. But generally, people like to be appreciated in some form or another on their birthday, and so I make sure that happens in the most fun, affirming way possible.

This is especially so when it comes to my beautiful man - my best friend, partner, lover, all the very best things in life (yes I know that mushy but I am channelling Hallmark right shall stop shortly). Today was very special.

We woke up together after he stayed the night, and even though it was a rush getting out to work in time, we managed to find some time to celebrate the start of his birthday. Through the day I sent him some e-cards and fun texts to keep the fun going even as he worked on his tax and a few other decidedly non celebratory things. Then we met up at my palce at 5.45, he opened his presents, which he loves doing, and which is always fun because I make sure the presents are presented in the best way possible, and make an event of getting the gift (yes we gays do know how to make a fabulous statement, tis true). It was an absolute blast watching him open each gift and realise how much thought had gone into the gift selections. I am walsy paying attention to what he likes, and it's a delight to see that my choices of what to get him, after I have winnowed down what I have seen him appreciate/lookat/enjoy, are met with such appreciation because after all, the gifts are there to make him feel special, happy and valued, which he is.

Off on the train then to the City to dinner at Spice Temple restaurant, whcih handily has located itself mere minutes from Circular Quay. From the moment we stepped through the very funky LCD screen door, and descended the candlelit steps into the restaurant, the service was sublime. They greeted us warmly, stowed our coats and scarves away, asked if we'd like to sit in the bar before going to the table - we opted to do just that and had a lovely Year of the Rabbit cocktail (granny smith apple, jasmine soda, hendricks gin, citrus) each - before being shown to our table in what appears at first to be a totally dark, almost empty but candlelit restaurant but turns out to be a busy restaurant packed to the rafters with a single downlight illuminating each table. This meant that even in a booked out restaurant Steve and I felt like we were alone in our very own cafe, secluded even from the people next to us. Which is exactly what we wanted on a special night like this.

The food was off the charts delicious. From the entrees - Fried salt and pepper silken tofu on a spicy coriander salad, and Northern style lamb and fennel dumplings (with a yummy chilli paste) - to the mains - Shredded duck with dried chestnuts and black fungi and pixian chilli paste and fried tofu, and stir fried prawns, with salted duck eggs and four chillies, and the vegetable side dish, stir fried wild bamboo, snow peas, and quail eggs with ginger and garlic - and the desserts - mango pudding for me, and a peanut & caramelised chocolate parfait, we were in heaven. The servings were generous too, which is unusual in these restaurants where small is seen as trendy. We were so full by the end, and with the cocktails and wine added in, were more than satisfied. They even delivered a cupcake with a candle with the desserts. Now that's attention to detail especially as I only mentioned it was my partner's birthday in passing when booking.

I a mightily impressed, so impressed by this restaurant, and even more so because their wonderful service on every level meant the man I love and adore had a very special day, which is all I wanted for him. (He did say to me on the way home that he'd love me even if I did nothing for him, which made my heart melt; but it's still lovely to spoil him and on today of all days even more so!)

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