Friday, May 27, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 147 - Getting Chilli with Andrew & Monika

How do you end a relaxed and fun TGIF when in the middle of all my work, I got to have lunch away from my desk with Sammi and other work friends, go shopping at BORDERS Macquarie Centre before it's closed at their 80% off everything sale, and swim to reduce stress?

Why you have dinner with brilliantly good friends from Melbourne, Andrew & Monika, whose wedding we attended back in February just days after poor Monika had been hit by a car while bicycling to work and badly injured. She was an absolute trouper and determined to carry on with the wedding regardless, managed to get through to 10.30 at the reception before calling it a day.

So it was wonderful to see her, after lots of rest, recovery, and rehabilitation back on her feet, albeit still limping slightly, and Andrew, and catch up on all the news over some delicious Thai food at the restaurant my gorgeous guy and I always love to go to, Stir Crazy Thai. The wine was excellent, the food delicious as always and the conversation flowed on and on in that wonderful way that it does with close friends. I had the most wonderful night and I can't wait to get down to Melbourne sometime in July for another catch up.


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