Monday, May 23, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 142 (Sunday 22 May) - Where is My Zombie Apocalypse?

Today was the day, at approximately 8 a.m. Sydney time (6pm New York, US time) that Jesus was supposed to rapture all the 'good' people - odd terminology since (a) it's an amazingly subjective word, (b) while I knew many lovely Christians growing up as a pastor's son, many too were petty and nasty and didn't reflect anything of Christ's glory as if having been 'saved' meant anything they said or did was 'good' - and lo, despite Harold Camping's assurance that it was all happen, heralded by earthquakes, nothing happened.

Big surprise. Apparently too, when the 'good' people of the people are raptured, leaving their pets behind to starve I assume, the dead shall rise from their graves which meant that not only would we have no 'good' people in the world, but also lots of undead clogging the streets.

Yet when I walked my boyfriend to his car this morning, not a zombie, Christian or otherwise, to be seen. Again, huge surprise.

Interestingly, there has been not a word from Harold Camping, who heads up a Christian radio network in the USA, although his spokesman, Tom Evans said "... the word of God is still true..." Maybe so, but you sir, and Harold and the gang are all certifiably nuts, and don't know your Bibles since the word of God explicitly says NO ONE can know the day of Jesus's coming.

Now, back to more important matters, where's my zombies?


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