Monday, February 14, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 44 (Sunday 13 February 2011) - Bacon & Eggs, Graffiti Art and Fruitcake

So after a big day yesterday which lasted until 1 a.m., you'd expect my gorgeous guy and I to just sleep in, order a big breakfast at a funky cafe and take it easy right?

Well, you would be wrong! Much as I wanted to sleep in, we were (1) in Melbourne, (2) my friend Ellen who'd gone to the wedding too was staying near us at Southbank and we thought it be fun to brunch and explore Melbourne together... and well no more bracketed numbers but we can sleep when we're dead....well that's what they say but frankly why would you need to?

Anyway, we managed somehow in our exhausted daze, to get up, shower, pack, check out, and make it across the bridge, well part way anyhow, to meet Ellen, wander back to Degraves Street for a yummy lunch at Quarter cafe - big breakfasts, while not healthy, are the best! - before wandering around the streets of Melbourne looking at all the graffiti art, predominantly in Union & Hoosier lanes. The art work is enormously creative and colourful, and it fills all the walls of these lanes, garbage bins, windows, like an unruly anarchic outdoor gallery. We were planning to go shopping but with all th shops shut till 11 a.m. we went art watching instead, and I think had a much better time. Yes better than shopping! I can't believe I just wrote that...

Ellen left us then to go on her tour of Phillip Island, and we went and did some last minute shopping for one of my gorgeous guy's nephews - Lego was the choice, and makes me wish I still got to play with it! - before heading to my guy's brother Brian's place for an afternoon of hanging out with him, his lovely wife Sue, and their three kids, who are the nicest, most well behaved, affectionate kids, a real pleasure to be around. My guy's sister also came along for the ride, and after lots of wine, cheese, pate great politically-based conversation with Brian, and Sue's to-die-for fruitcake, and some iPhone games apps playing with my guy's sweet adorable niece Stella, my guy's sister Carolyn took us to the airport for yet another delayed flight as it turned out. Apparently this time it was 'paperwork issues' in Melbourne and 'congestion' at Sydney airport....uh-huh yep sure.

It was the only sour note on what had been a very fine weekend indeed.


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