Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 41 - Fit to be Suited

Back tonight for my suit fitting, with my gorgeous guy in attendance, and while some things were fixed and fixed well - the shirt and pants look great, and the jacket is snugger than before, which I wanted - the jacket still needs work done on the nape (behind the collar), shoulder and lower flaps of the jacket which still created too much of a skirt-like impression for me and Spiro at Satch, the place I bought the suit from, who have impressed me with their professionalism and genuinely awesome customer service. The suit will still look great for the wedding and I am trying not to worry that it won't look as good as it could because that would be silly and counter-productive. At the end of the day life isn't perfect, and the sooner you deal with that little gem of truth, the happier you will be.

Besides, it's not like I will look like the Hunchback of Notre Dame.... seriously I won', really, I won't....

>>> the suit all sorted, we grabbed a photframe for a special presentation we're doing for Andrew and Monika at the wedding, found a new sexy grey shirt for my gorgeous guy, I got my hair cut, and we ran into a good friend, John and had dinner with him in the galmoruous environs of the Sydney Central Plaza foodcourt.... then exhausted we caught the train back to my place, my guy picked up his car and dropped me off at the gate to my complex. All very normal except this time, unlike every other time I have walked into the complex, I walked in barefoot. Why you ask? Well, thanks for being so freaking inquisitive, it was because he is being an absolute darling (always is) and shining my shoes for me, as well as washing my new shirt since he's working from home, and I am stuck in cubicle land with neitehr time, nor a washing machine or shoe polish. No one saw me sans shoes, so did it actually happen? Not sure, but what did happen is I crashed out and slept very well, still not looking anything like the Hunchback.....


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