Friday, February 04, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 35 - Where O Where Has My iPhone Gone?

I had plenty of time to leave for work this morning.

Up at 6 a.m., ironed my shirt, tidied up my room, started the dishwasher, and had enough time to walk slowly to St Peters station so I didn't sweat to death in the oppressive heat this week.

And with no real need to rush, I still forgot my iPhone. I never forget my phone.

But today I did. I am actually coping reasonably well, rationalising that day without isn't the end of all things. But still it is very unsettling not to have it when I take almost as a right my ability to call who I like when I like, update Facebook and Twitter while waiting for the train or bus or just check when the next train is on Tripview.

Yes, not the end of the world but very weird and I can't wait till it's in my hot little hands again.....

OK that just sounds pathetic. But it's true, so true....


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