Wednesday, July 28, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 209 : Anatomy of a Move 5 - And the Rain Came Pouring Down

In the immortal words of Supertramp - Its Raining Again.

I am fairly certain they weren't referring to moving when they pinned their melancholic ode, but its fits today's situation perfectly as rain poured down on the day set aside to start the Move. Fear not, though, for unlike Supertramp who seemed resigned to their fate, my house mate and I quickly changed tack, and spent the night doing the Inspection Report (and taking lots of photos to back it up!) at the new apartment - we carried two symbolic boxes apiece to signify the move was underway, if only in spirit at this point - and cleaning and packing last minute boxes.

After my housemate had finished scrubbing his bathroom, and I had finished emptying kitchen draws and cupboards (and Jif'ing till the cows came home, clean and sparkling), we wound down by drinking lots of red wine, eating Pepper Steak soup on broccoli and watching a season 1 episode of Big Bang Theory.....

............. and then I slept......LOTS....


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