Wednesday, June 30, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 180 (Tuesday 29 June 2010) : Sushi Hijack!

Yes crime is rampant all across Sydney's streets and now I am a victim!

Well not really but I love using tabloid-like headlines to spin the mundane into a frenzy of frothing-at-the mouth sensationalism!

What actually happened, dear reader, is that my lovely gal pal from wirk, Sammi, and I had a much delayed catch up gossip at Sushi Train on Bathurst Street and while I waited patiently for the Takoyage Balls (octopus) and Karaage Chicken pieces to reach us, two gossiping women next to me grabbed the only plates of both items! The horror! The outrage!

Leaving aside the fact that they were sitting slightly earlier on the conveyor belt, and as paying customers had every right to take them, it was damn near hilarious that they somehow psychically managed to know which dishes I was expectantly waiting for and grab them before I could! Again, the horror! The.....
Seriously it was easily rectified by ordering them from the waitress and Sammi and I managed to eat to our heart's content, but things were much better when the two women left and we could go back to picking sushi plates to our heart's content. We ate quickly though and were out in an hour! So clearly we weren't grievously set back or delayed by the two ladies chowing down on our grub (oh I do love some ocker speak in a blog posting!) but when has the truth got in the way of a lurid headline?

Right Today Tonight?


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