Monday, June 28, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 177 (Saturday 26 June 2010) : Kate Kicks Insides Buzz and Woody

Right that sounds enormously debauched and kinky doesn't it?

Alas it isn't really. But in the tradition of totally thematically-misleading tabloid headlines, I decided to go with it and douse myself in the rancid cologne that is Rupert Murdoch for one brief moment.

Of course I will now need to go and have a cleansing shower.

Not so much because of the day itself, which was delightful, but impersonating Murdoch, even if only virtually and for a brief moment in time.

Today was actually one of the lovely Winter days where it was cold but not freezing, that involved a lovely long sleep in with my guy, a spot of shopping on King Street while he got his hair styled (with the obligatory visit to my favourite music store, HUM; I joked with my gorgeous guy on Sunday that the gift for an 18 month anniversary, which is what we've reached, is a HUM gift voucher and he joked that in that case I had been practising spending it the whole time he'd known me...true, oh so true), and a light lunch (after a ham and cheese croissant on the run pre-haircut) at a great nook-occupying cafe called The Kick Inside (title of a Kate Bush album) on Erskineville Road, Erskineville.
The owners, two very discerning, funky gay guys, have fitted out the cafe with retro furniture, cutlery, plates etc to create a cosy one-of-a-kind cosy ambience, and populated the menu with light, easy to serve fare including quiches and pies from Blackstar Bakery. I had never heard of the bakery before, but the goats cheese and leek quiche I had was melt-in-the-mouth divine as was my gorgeous guy's beef and red wine pie. It was just the right amount of food in the loveliest location. We will definitely be back!
The afternoon was wonderfully chilled - for me at least; my poor guy had to work on some projects he has due - and then we headed into the City for a delightful night out watching Toy Story 3 - the most wonderful instalment in the franchise I think, and brimming with sadness, joy, and laugh out loud humour (full review to follow next week in a media round up in the blog) - and then munching down on some yummy tapas at Cafe Asturianna in the Spanish Quarter in Sydney.
And no, I doubt there will be  Kate Bush/Toy Story crossover any time soon....


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