Tuesday, June 22, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 173 : Why You Put That Mag in My Paper Willis?

I always buy the Sydney Morning Herald at St Peters station before I catch my train so I have something to read while my iPod pours my favourite tracks into my brain.

Some days like today it is suspiciously larger than normal, partly due to some Bigger-Than-Texas inserts the Herald is overly fond of - the idea that old media is dying isn't borne out by the thickness of the advertisments - but also partly due to the fact that the news agent, a lovely Chinese gentleman with a ready smile, has decided that all the free music magazines that you can choose to collect if you'd like to, are in fact mandatory and should be part of the newspaper you buy whether you like it or not.

I don't mind on one level since I like music a lot - I don't sleep with my iPod but is that such a bad idea? It makes way more sense that my teddy bear! (which by the way I have not slept with I was 8 ) - but I'd like to have a choice on whether I take it or not.

But given that he shows no sign of stopping the practice, it seems my working knowledge of hip-hop is only bound to increase, dawgs.....


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