Friday, April 23, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 113 : Thank God Its TGIF!!!

I know, I know a common Friday sentiment voiced loudly and often by every sane citizen of 9-to-5 Land, but today is rang so loudly that I think I have tinnitus, like the kind you get after an especially loud rock concert.

My health had improved marginally but it was another long and tiring day digging into the corporate coal face, helped along by yummy honey on toast and Acai berry drink for breakfast, and the now obligatory Pepsi Max for morning tea, and so I left on the bus out to the City at 3.10 and encountered that rare beast on the train home (after a quick walk to get sushi for a much delayed lunch) - an empty train carriage (see above).

What bliss it was to arrive home at 4pm, with no peak hour crowds to contend with, get into comfy clothes, eat my sushi, and a chocolate Easter bunny, and watch two episodes of Stargate Universe, which show it developing into a very muscular hard-edged drama. 

It was just so nice to stop.
And it will be even nicer to be back in the arms of my beautiful man tonight. That's when I am really home.


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