Thursday, April 15, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 105 : Fully Sick Man!

I didn't make it to work today.

I woke up with lungs full of mucus-y goodness and after the obligatory texts and calls to colleagues and bosses to tell him I felt awful - which had been obvious the day before anyway - I went back to sleep before spending parts of the day periodically checking the Crackberry and take calls, and making appointments for my bosses, thus underscoring that in the 21st century you are never untethered from the unrelenting activity of the corporate mothership.

At least I did spend the bulk of my day sleeping it off - the cold, not a bender the night before, thank you - and naturally watched Ellen & The View too, before my gorgeous guy lovely guy came over and cooked me a fabulously yummy stir fry (he is seen here cleaning up afterwards and discovering, no doubt, just how full the dishwasher was in the second shot), and stayed a little way away from me, lest the dreaded lurgy (another word iclipart would struggle with me thinks!) ensnare him in its khaki-coloured globulous clutches. Leaving me with a couple of lots of Biosolvon tablets, he departed and left me to....what else...sleep.....


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