Friday, April 09, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 99 : Farewell To All My Friends

I am being abandoned today!

Yes left all alone. My friend Stephen is off to NZ, my friend Fahmi off to Singapore and Europe for 3 weeks (and I am feeding his cat, collecting his email and generally keeping an eye on his place), my housemate has left for Canberra for a weekend with his boyfriend, and lastly and most importantly, my beautiful man, who makes my weekends fun and delightful, is off to Melbourne for a weekend with the family.

My beautiful guy sizes up his flatter than flat ciabata sandwich at the airport food court. I, meanwhile, ate a plump Subway Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki sandwich, and yet again they asked me which sauce I'd like with, the sweet onion one?! Why do they ask?!

So where does that leave me? Well with a box set of the United States of Tara season 1, the rest of my book Ark, and lots of napping to try and recover from the tiredness (I feel a flu coming on but I am knocking back zinc tablets to try to head that off at the immune system pass).... and missing my lovely guy.

Have a lovely time away everyone..... see you soon!


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